Day 2 Continued: More Tournament, and Wallpaper.

Well, also going on Friday was the 2nd round of the tournament.  With half of the competition eliminated, this led to some SERIOUS gaming.  Of our group that made the first cut, only [T2k]T and Mitzkrieg[DUH] made the next cut (down to 128 players).  All of the top 128 players won a really nice Everglide Giganta mouse pad with the Quakecon 2000 logo on it...  Too bad the logo was the ugly one from the banner, and not the cool one seen above, and on the desktop wallpaper.

The top 128 players then go through two single elimination rounds playing 1on1 games to determine the top 32 players.  Then the top 32 players have double elimination down to the final.

Mitz was eliminated in his first 1on1, and T was eliminated in his 2nd 1on1.  Incidentally T was beaten by the very player that took 1st place, so no telling how far he could have gone if that had not been his next opponent. 

{KYA}The Curse, {KYA}Mega, {KYA}FD&H, and {KYA}Rage.  

Da Boyz of KYA.

Michael{AoA}: "Are you looking at my bum?".



Michael{AoA}: "It's almost like these guys are all great players or something!!!" {KYA}Mega": "It's almost like these guys are all great players or something!!!".


Mitzkrieg[DUH]: "Piece of cake!" Mitz in blue, and on the other side, you can see T (the one on the far left with red glowing eyes) LOL.
[T2K]T: "Piece of cake!" Here is the nifty Quakecon 2000 desktop wallpaper that was on all the tournament machines.  You can download it here: 

1024 or 1280 rez.

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