Day 3: IHOP, Caremack, LAN.

Saturday, we rounded up a posse and went to IHOP.  As usual there was some horsing around that eventually led to Hathor spraying a bit of tea out of her nose... haha.  Viper got a pretty good pic of that event!

John Carmack gave a talk about his newest gaming technology, and of course the 24hour LAN party continues...

-=DA=-Viper. [T2K]T.


It's {KYA}Big Daddy and Mitzkreig. T, Viper, Mitz, BigD, Mega, Hathor, FD&H, Gabe, and Trin.

Proof that Gabe is now a fan of Chicken Fried Steak... He ordered one with eggs for breakfast!! Woohoo, another convert!

John Carmack talks about how the technology behind his latest project works.

What I heard: blah blah blah Doom blah blah blah blah Doom blah blah.

-=DA=-Viper has some computer trouble, and ends up formatting the ole hard drive...bummer!


Michael is contemplating whether he's gonna pick his nose or not.... LOL


{KYA}Hathor looks to be having a good time!! :)


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